
We are closed to unsolicited/unagented submissions at this time.


Unsolicited submission emailed to us while BelleBooks and its imprints are closed to unsolicited submissions will be deleted upon receipt. No response will be given.


Recommended Reading:

Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, by Renni Browne and Dave King.

GMC: Goal, Motivation, and Conflict, by Debra Dixon

The Hero’s Journey, by Christopher Vogler

The Techniques of a Selling Writer, by Dwight Swain

When we are open for submission…


We want to see: Mystery, Suspense, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Romance, Paranormal romance.


No Young Adult, Middle Grade, Chapter Books, or Picture Books. 

Do not submit work that has been previously published. Originals only please! 

Submissions should be novel-length—60,000 to 110,000 words 

Please submit the entire manuscript with your query letter for consideration.

Query letter should include word count, a brief synopsis, and any pertinent information such as if the book is the first in series, read-alikes, or a simultaneous submission.

General Submission Guidelines

  • MSWord documents ONLY (.doc and .docx format). The manuscript should be submitted as an attached file, not embedded in the email.

  • Use 12pt. Times New Roman font.

  • Use 1-inch margins.

  • Double-space between lines.

  • Number your pages.

  • Please include your name, email, address, and phone number on the COVER PAGE of your manuscript.

  • CHAPTERS must start on a NEW PAGE.

  • Review your manuscript in Microsoft Word Spellcheck and Grammarcheck before sending.

  • Figure out what a Copula Spider is. Better yet, read and apply Self-Editing for Fiction Writers.

  • Wait a minimum of 120 days after submission before following up with us. While we would love to provide feedback to everyone, we are unable to send a personal rejection with each submission.


Manuscripts which do not follow these simple and easy guidelines will be rejected immediately.  (If a writer can’t follow directions this simple, we can’t be sure they can be an effective partner in this publishing journey.)